YSN’s Organization of the Week: The Leader World


Organization Name: The Leader World – Online Magazine (click here to view its profile)

Why We Love It: The Leader World is the online magazine for young and successful professionals, entrepreneurs, academics, volunteers and students. It recognizes the achievements and excellence of young people who are bringing about positive change in the world.

Do You Have a Success Story? The Leader World is the online magazine for young and successful professionals, entrepreneurs, academics, volunteers and students. It recognizes the achievements and excellence of young people who are bringing about positive change in the world.

Who Should Work There: The Leader World, an online magazine with readers in 25 countries, is seeking volunteer contributors in the following areas: writing, interviewing, Web design, graphic design, photography and editing. We are quickly growing as the magazine of choice for successful professionals, entrepreneurs, academics, volunteers and students. Ideal contributors are self-motivated, but also willing to accept assignments when necessary.

Contributors in the above areas are accepted at all experience levels. A good command of the English language is preferred but not required.

Click here to find out more!