If you aren’t completely satisfied with our picks, there are two new websites you can visit for even more recommendations.All of the products recommended on Lootist.com are categorized by interests or hobbies and given by real-life specialists. Let’s say you’re buying a gift for a new mother. Click on the category “Babies and Kids,” choose who/what you’re shopping for (moms, babies, strollers, gear, etc.), and the recommended products pop up with reviews and links for where to shop online. You can also sign-up to suggest items you’ve tried and tested, or even become a go-to specialist on the site.
Buying “only the best” is simplified on 3LUXE, which only highlights its top three picks of whatever you’re looking for. The categories are broken all the way down to the type of wine you are looking for (not just the color) and its holiday gift guide lets you specify who you’re buying for AND how much you want to spend. If you’re among the highest of high rollers and are shopping for the special woman in your life, 3LUXE’s top three picks are the Porsche Cayenne Turbo, a 106 carat rough diamond necklace and a customized walk-in closet. Who says money can’t buy you love?!