You’ve been working on your resume, and you fashioned a fancy branding statement for yourself. Of course, you want to display it across the top of your resume, but where else should you be using it?
Cover letter: Format your cover letter to match your resume by copying your contact information and branding statement in the same format.
Thank you letter: Same as your cover letter.
Business card: If you’re using networking cards while you’re out job hunting, your branding statement will look great on them.
LinkedIn profile: Don’t be shy, place it right below your name.
E-mail signature: If you’re e-mailing applications for jobs, make items such as your LinkedIn address and branding statement part of your contact information.
Blog: If you have a professional blog, your branding statement can go there as well.
Twitter: If you’re tweeting statements related to work, why not add your branding statement to your bio section?
Web site: If you’re using a Web site to advertise your professional accomplishments, your branding statement can reinforce your message.
If you need help thinking about where a branding statement might be useful, think about how McDonald’s uses “I’m lovin’ it” on everything from billboards to cups. It takes some thought to develop a branding statement that truly summarizes you. Once you’ve got one, use it everywhere you can!
Jessica Holbrook Hernandez is an expert resume writer, career and personal branding strategist, author, speaker and President/CEO of Great Resumes Fast. She creates high-impact, best-in-class, resumes and cover letters that transform job searches into interviews and ultimately job offers. For more information about professional resume writing or to read more career and job search related articles visit Great Resumes Fast or call 1.800.991.5187.