What We’re Reading This Week


YSN’s year is off to a busy start but we always take the time to read new things.

Here are a few articles that are standing out to our team this week:


Young people are more entrepreneurial now than ever and it’s vital that entrepreneurial aspirations are met with opportunities. A recent Gallup study reveals that tomorrow’s entrepreneurs lack access to being able to learn those necessary skills.


What better time to plan ahead than the beginning of the year. But don’t forget to do a check-up on the things you don’t want to do in 2014.


Long time Google exec Hugo Barra quit his job to work in China. He’s blown away by what he found.


Scientists and doctors are discovering what Yogi’s have theorized for years: yoga and meditation really can supercharge your health.


What have you been reading lately? Send an e-mail to content@ysn.com or leave a comment below to share!