It’s my birthday today! The big 2-1 has finally come. Two years ago, I figured I would be spending this night carousing down
Yesterday, when I was brainstorming for today’s blog post, I had mixed emotions about my birthday. I started feeling old (I know, I know, 21 is still young) and got kind of sad because this is the last milestone birthday I would ever get to look forward to… and I wasn’t even that excited. I felt like a kid on Christmas Eve who just found out Santa wasn’t real… the magic and excitement was lost.
But then I woke up this morning, and couldn’t stop smiling! My best friend was coming in town to visit, I have plans this evening to celebrate with all my friends and I have more birthday festivities planned this week, including going to watch the Dodgers play the Astros (my home team)! So even though I am not celebrating the way I always thought I would, with all my 20 and 21 year old friends, going crazy back in Texas, I am so excited and I’m looking forward to my birthdays to come 🙂 Plus, as my dad pointed out, I have lots more to look forward to… insurance costs decreasing at 25, becoming a member of the AARP at 50 and helllooo, senior citizen discounts?! Here’s to growin’ old, or I guess just getting old-er.