Jen Kushell on Circles of Change Radio Show



YSN’s Jen Kushell recently appeared  on the “Circles of Change: Conversations with Dr. Zara Larsen on Change Leadership and Career Fulfillment” radio show.

Here are some highlights from the radio show entitled “Empowering A Generation to Live the Dream”

  • We have the first generation born with technology vs. having to adopt it, with very strong values to guide decision making.  They are poised to make positive change, amidst the corrections required across the globe in business/public service.
  • Four generations are in the workforce at the same time for the first time. Paradigms and perspectives are different, on top of changing rules affecting everyone. We need to bridge a communication gap and find a happy medium, create new norms and ways of doing things and help youth, some of whom are in a “quarter life crisis” armed with high expectations, yet not necessarily equipped to find success as quickly as they thought.
  • I believe it is actually much easier than we realize to change the course of people’s lives – a chance we have every day.  When I was recently recognized as a “guru” (at age 35) it instilled in me a great sense of responsibility.  I could be an evangelist all my life and it is a privilege for me to dedicate my life to this work, doing something that helps others and inspires.  I couldn’t ask for anything more!

Click Here to Listen to the Show