How to Travel When You Can’t Afford To


If the thought of calling your travel agent to book a nice little getaway sounds enticing, but too expensive…or the very concept   of calling “your travel agent” sounds ridiculous simply because you’ve never actually had a travel agent, you’ll love this.

Even if you don’t have the bucks, but do have the travel bug, there are options to get yourself packing if you’re creative and resourceful. Like overcoming most obstacles though, there are ways to make jetsetting a reality for you, even if conventional wisdom (ie: a scarily low bank balance) suggests otherwise.

I just read a great little article from Juliette Richey at DigiDaily that I thought many of you here at YSN would appreciate. It’s called Travel Like You’re Unemployed.

Great title, even better info.  And you know me, I live on planes most of the time.  I even learned some great tips.

New blogs, great little apps, why travel books are totally obsolete, and my favorite, alternative accommodations are all touched on here.  Enjoy…and get packing!
