Determination: My Better is Better. Is Yours?


I’m such a sucker for videos like this that showcase the fire and passion in people to succeed.

It’s a great reminder to all of us fighting to stay alive, stay strong, and surge ahead of the pack not only put our best work and effort into everything we do, but to want it more than anyone else.  To be the best at anything, we need to drive as hard as we can to make it so.

That surge of determination is rocket fuel for serious achievement. For it to really work its magic, we need to feel it. Taste it. Then we have to share it.

Being high on possibilities is a truly awesome state of being.  But to turn these visions into anything real or tangible, we’ve got to make sure the rest of the world knows what we are setting out to achieve.  (ie: branding, pitching ourselves, promoting our work).  Then, to truly maximize our support you from others (like clients or colleagues) it’s critical to “infect” the right people (as Seth Godin might say), so they can’t help but want get closer to us and our energy, our cause, our company, or count themselves among our friends or clientele.

Passion is powerful indeed.  If you think you have enough, watch this video again. Is your better, better? If you can’t seem to find anything to ignite your inner fire, check out the most proven spark plug we know – our book, Secrets of the Young & Successful. Ask yourself if you’re driving your efforts forward with the kind of power that pours out of the people in this video here. Contemplating that very question just might make all the difference.


Kudos to the team at advertising agency Wieden + Kennedy, Portland for this gem. Executive Creative Directors: Jelly Helm, Steve Luker Creative Directors: Tyler Whisnand, Mike McCommon Copywriter: Caleb Jensen Art Director: Taylor Twist Agency Executive Producer: Ben Grylewicz

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Jennifer is the founder and evangelist for and the whole young & successful movement. She is the NY Times Bestselling author of Secrets of the Young & Successful, and has been called the “Career Doctor” by Cosmopolitan and “guru” of her generation by US News & World Report. Jennifer has dedicated her life to helping young professionals and entrepreneurs in over 190 countries.