Details on the “Get Mentored By Mark Victor Hansen” YSN Promotion


Qualifications: Opportunity is open to anyone.  Just tell us about yourself and why you think Mark should mentor you.

Selection: Mark himself will select the person whose story he finds most compelling and/or who’s venture he thinks he can add most value to.

Mentoring Details: Mark will spend a minimum of an hour with whomever is selected to listen to their idea/story/pitch, offer advice and feedback, and discuss plans of action.  He’ll also commit to another hour of time to follow up a few weeks after the initial conversation.  Based on the conversation and the connection, the possibilities will define themselves from there.

Location: Meeting Mark in person is possible, though travel expenses will NOT be covered.  The option to travel to meet Mark is at the soul discretion of the mentee chosen, and subject to Mark’s availability.  If meeting in person is not feasible, a call, skype or online conference session will be arranged at everyone’s earliest convenience.

Contact Information: Email addresses from comment submission form will not be shared publicly, but used only to contact the mentee selected.

Submission Deadline: December 1, 2010

Mentee Announced on YSN: December 15, 2010