Authors Looking for Advice…this is for you!


Ever since our last book, Secrets of the Young & Successful hit the New York Times Bestsellers list, we’ve been flooded with questions from aspiring authors looking for advice.  Everyone seems to want to write a book these days.  But even the most successful people have A LOT to learn about the publishing process.  Whether you self publish or get published by one of the biggest publishers in the world, the learning curve is huge…and painful.  Trust me on this one.

Luckily, we’ve discovered a way to help you save a ton of time, money and stress on your first (or next) book venture.  Best of all, it’s coming from one of the key people that helped us get where we are.  Rick Frishman, one of the most celebrated publicists in the game.  (And you know us and our research!)  How many people ask us for advice can’t compare to how many people ask Risk for his.  So, I was really excited to hear that he was producing events with all of his publishing guru friends to teach people the ins and outs of the business.  I assure you, if we were still starting out, we would have gone to this too, no question.  We went to everything to learn all that we could.  That said, if you’re looking to:

  • Get your book published
  • Sell your book to a publisher
  • Promote yourself using low-cost means online
  • to catapult your sales & exposure
  • Make your book a bestseller
  • Transform your business into a big success

Check out Author101 University’s 3 day event coming up the end of October.

Get more details here

According to Rick, you’ll hear top publishing and marketing experts reveal tools and techniques to get your book published
and double or triple your income as an author or publisher.

But this program is not just for established or aspiring authors. It is for entrepreneurs, small biz owners, speakers, and just about anyone else looking to meet and learn directly from some of the bestselling authors and experts in marketing.

Speakers include…

  • BRIAN TRACY, achievement expert and author of 300+ books, audios, and video programs.
  • DR. BARBARA DE ANGELIS, #1 NYT Bestselling Author, shares her secrets to truly standing out and become a publishing and speaking phenomenon!
  • BRENDON BURCHARD reveals strategies for getting sponsors to give you money!
  • LORAL LANGEMEIER, Bestselling Author, teaching the real keys to putting more cash in your pockets!
  • ALEX CARROLL shares his secrets to massive radio publicity!
  • TOM ANTION will teach you the real secrets to making money marketing online!

and others, including Bestselling authors

There will also be many AGENTS, EDITORS, AND PUBLISHERS on special panels looking to meet you and willing to share their coveted industry secrets.


Save an immediate $100 on your registration (just use the coupon code “cooper.”)

Get more details here

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Jennifer is the founder and evangelist for and the whole young & successful movement. She is the NY Times Bestselling author of Secrets of the Young & Successful, and has been called the “Career Doctor” by Cosmopolitan and “guru” of her generation by US News & World Report. Jennifer has dedicated her life to helping young professionals and entrepreneurs in over 190 countries.