Tip #7: Know Yourself to Sell Yourself


ten-tips-square150Have you ever had someone say “tell me about yourself”, and not know what to say?  You could be the most interesting, accomplished person in the world, but if you can’t describe who you are and what makes you tick to an interested party, they’ll be forced to assume you’re a dud.

Being able to sell yourself effectively to others all starts with knowing yourself.  You know your vital stats (name, age, hometown, job or student status, interests), but can you tell a quick story about yourself that’s compelling?  How about if you need to go beyond the small talk and really get at the substance of who you are?  Can you talk about your strengths, weaknesses, priorities, goals and preferences if put on the spot?  People who can, get rewarded all the time with exciting opportunities both socially and professionally.  Are you one of them?

Quick!  Tell yourself about yourself! Ok, how’d you do? If you need a little help, take the next 20 minutes and let YSN show you (or confirm) what makes you special, what you need to work on, and how you appear to others.  You’ll be so happy you did.

Take the Self Assessment Now!

We’ve crunched the best of 25 years of research, exclusive insights from behavioral scientists, career counselors, statisticians, corporate recruiters, and two NY Times bestselling authors together into the new YSN Self Assessment.  Let YSN’s Special Report help you answer that tough question “tell me about yourself?”