Finishing your education and landing that coveted job is a great accomplishment, however, you still have a lot of work to do in order to establish a career. You will have to prove your abilities and value to your employer from the day you start—and every day after that. Here are four ways to show responsibility in your career, no matter what type of job you have.
Be There
It’s not just about showing up, it’s about being present—and on time. Even if you’ve been there three months and you think you have it all down pat, make sure your alarm is set. If you’re smart you’ll set the alarm a few minutes early to give you extra time. New rule: If you’re five minutes early you’re on time, if you’re on time you’re five minutes late.
- Don’t run into the workplace still buttoning your shirt or combing your hair. Arriving at work properly dressed and groomed shows that you respect your position and your boss.
- Keep an eye on the weather, it influences traffic and sometimes you will have to leave earlier to get to work on time.
- Being there also means having all your wits about you. Partying into the wee hours leaves its mark on you and it’s not very conducive to demonstrating responsibility.
Accepting responsibility for your actions, and being honest at your workplace is very important in how your superiors perceive you. If you make a mistake, fix it. Let your supervisor know of your error and how you resolved it. This shows you not only accept responsibility, but are also capable of acting on it. If someone else discovers a mistake you made, thank him or her for letting you know and promise to take care of it. Don’t forget to inform your boss about the person who was observant enough to catch your mistake, and about the solution you already put in place. Never, ever make excuses. It happened because… is something no one wants to hear. Fix it and never let it happen again.
Improve skills
If your company offers courses or seminars for your job, sign up for a few. This let’s your supervisors know you are willing to invest extra time into bettering yourself for the position you hold. And the knowledge you acquire is something you will always have. If your company doesn’t offer training, search for opportunities elsewhere and ask if the company would be willing to share in the cost. Even if they say no, you’ve showed that you are eager to learn more.
Have the Desire to Succeed
Want to get promoted? First you have to demonstrate the desire to succeed. This doesn’t mean telling the boss you want to be promoted, your co-workers want that as well. You have to demonstrate why you should get the job instead of someone else. How? By showing you really want it, and you’re working hard to deserve it.
Once you know which position you’re going for, get informed. Find out what the job requirements are, and what you still need to do or learn to meet them. Once you’re equipped with the tools for the job let your boss know that you are in the race and plan on finishing first. Write a letter of intent showing your qualifications, why you want the position and what makes you the best choice for it.
Be attentive to your surroundings, listen and get to know your working environment. This includes colleagues and supervisors alike. If you live by these four rules, you will have a long and successful career ahead of you.
Go get ‘em!
Arlene Chandler acquired her experience in a Seattle real estate firm. After spending her days writing for Suncorp, a specialist income protection provider in Australia, she enjoys evenings and weekends trying out new restaurants and taking long walks.