Unemployment Rate Reaches 6.5 Percent


I’ve been sharing this article with family and friends, who are worried about the state of the economy, to help keep them motivated!! Here are some highlights from Jennifer Kushell:

“In thinking about the current job market, your best bet is not to get emotional, but stay practical and challenge yourself to be very proactive about building and sustaining your new career.”

With the mindset that this economy is actually a great opportunity for those just now launching their careers, what should you be doing to keep that advantage?

Here were my favorite tips:

  • Look the part.
  • Think like an economist
  • Act link an entrepreneur.
  • Be a maverick. – “Down markets like this often spawn some of the most highly successful people and biggest success stories. Stay sharp and jump at the opportunity that’s out there. This is when you need to be a maverick and fight for your future and your career. Don’t take anything for granted.”

Copy and Paste this link into your browser to read more: http://www.examiner.com/x-828-Entry-Level-Careers-Examiner~y2008m11d14-Unemployment-rate-reaches-65-percent