Our Team


Our History

Believe it or not, our quest to connect young leaders with success started out of a college apartment in Boston.

In 1993, we built the Young Entrepreneurs Network, one of the very first social networks in history. We used CompuServ as our first platform and quickly began connecting aspiring and emerging entrepreneurs from over 75 countries. After the “dot com crash”, we hit the NY Times Bestsellers list with our book Secrets of the Young & Successful, rebranded to reach the larger group of emerging adults trying to build their careers in all areas, launched YSN.com and rolled out the first professional social network of 25,000 young leaders in 160 countries.  Enduring one more market crash after that, here we are again, tenacious as ever, and determined to make an impact on the lives of millions.[/one_third]


Our Mission

Young & Successful Media’s mission is to ensure no driven young person, anywhere in the world, lacks access to opportunity to fulfill their potential. 

We know potential when we see it. Everywhere we go, from first world nations to emerging markets, we encounter young people filled with aspiration and talent, but missing the confidence or resources to best capitalize on them. Potential needs to be acknowledged, harnessed, supported and fed in order to translate into an extraordinary career.  That’s what we try to do.  We inspire.  We shake up paradigms.  We help reveal how much is really possible for ambitious people to accomplish, even at a very early age.  We are also like rocket fuel to disruptive thinkers.  Sometimes we even create world leaders. Regardless of how someone defines success or how far they want to go in life, we’ll help them get there.[/one_third]


Our Vibe


[bra_graph Title=”Predictability & Structure” Percent=”45″]

[bra_graph Title=”Fun” Percent=”100″]

[bra_graph Title=”Curiosity” Percent=”92″]

[bra_graph Title=”Adventure” Percent=”80″]

[bra_graph Title=”Following Convention” Percent=”25″]

[bra_graph Title=”Ambition” Percent=”100″]



Meet The Team

[bra_team_member member_name=”Jennifer Kushell” member_position=”Founder, CEO” member_img_src=”” member_social_list=”Twitter, http://twitter.com/ysnjen, Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/jennifer.kushell, Email, mailto:jenniferk@ysn.com” member_columns=”4″]YSN_Jennifer_Kushell[/bra_team_member]

[bra_team_member member_name=”David Stine” member_position=”Creative Director” member_img_src=”” member_social_list=”Twitter, http://twitter.com/d_stine, Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/dstine21, Email, mailto:david@ysn.com” member_columns=”4″]YSN_David_Stine[/bra_team_member]

[bra_team_member member_name=”Meagan Dahl” member_position=”Social Media Manager” member_img_src=”” member_social_list=”YSN Blog, http://ysn.com/blog/” member_columns=”4″]YSN_Meagan_Dahl[/bra_team_member]

[bra_team_member member_name=”Richard Seline” member_position=”Strategic Advisor” member_img_src=”” member_social_list=”” member_columns=”4″]YSN_Richard_Seline[/bra_team_member]

[bra_team_member member_name=”Bob Cohen” member_position=”Career Guru” member_img_src=”” member_social_list=”” member_columns=”4″]YSN_Bob_Cohen[/bra_team_member]