Recruiters and human resource professionals are turning to LinkedIn instead of going through the standard avenue of the local papers. They can find new employees with ease, save some of the costs, and hire the right individuals. If you are looking for a new job, here are ten techniques for making your LinkedIn profile stand out.
1. Add a Picture
Adding a picture makes you appear more personable to recruiters and individuals who would want to hire you. A picture will also distinguish you from the many others on LinkedIn who share your name. This picture does not have to be taken by a professional, but it does need to be a picture that emphasizes your best side. If necessary, there is free photo editing software which will help you create the best picture.
2. Integrate Twitter
Using the Application Directory, you can integrate Twitter directly into your LinkedIn page so others may keep in contact with you at their leisure. This will help you mesh your job hunting efforts into one forum. You can also keep track of your former coworkers using this application.
3. Give Links
LinkedIn allows you to place up to three URLs in your profile. Others can learn more about the company for which you work. They can also learn more about private projects in which you’re engaged. Make sure that your personal URLs are fit for recruiters to see.
4. Update Frequently
Your LinkedIn profile should be a work in progress. Since there are so many people who connect to this directory, you never know who is looking at your profile and reading over your qualifications. When you receive a promotion or change jobs, update your profile.
5. Create a Professional Headline
Your headline should be memorable and capture people’s attention. Describe what you do and what goal you wish to accomplish in your headline. Make it as catchy as possible.
6. Do Not Block Incoming Email
Do not give your potential employers the impression that you are elitist with blocked emails. Remember that you are selling yourself to the marketplace, enticing them to think of you for the positions that are available. A blocked email is a sure turn off.
7. Add a Blog Feed
You can integrate WordPress onto your LinkedIn page so others can get an idea of your blogging habits. Recruiters do not want to have to search for information about you, they want to get as much information as possible.
8. Increase Your Connections
You have worked with a lot of people over the years. There are some who are vaguely remembered and some remembered as dear friends. Any one of these people could provide the reference for your next job or they could be the one searching for their company’s newest employee.
9. Use SEO
There is a fine balance between SEO and readability of your profile. When in doubt, err on the side of humans because they are the ones who will offer you the job, not the search engines. Use keywords employers are looking for in your summary.
10. Create the Best Summary
The summary is designed to intrigue a potential employer and entice them into looking at your full profile. If you cannot write well, get a friend to do it. If none of your friends can write well, hire a professional to write your summary. This can get you the job interview.
LinkedIn has replaced the newspaper for hiring professionals. Recruiters will look at their links for people they know. They will then look at the friends of friends, searching for recommendations. These jobs will never hit the sites. Make your profile as professional as possible and recruiters will come to you.
During his tenure as a writer at a leading specialist store offering ink cartridges, James has focused his writing to cover the latest releases in technology such as the HP 300XL ink cartridge as well as design and art.