If you are getting ready to graduate college, or just have for that matter, you are coming in during a hard economic climate. Many people are out of jobs, and you are facing the possibility of fighting with people who are more experienced than you for the same position.
With all that being said, it is a good idea to know where employers are looking when hiring. If you can put yourself out there, and find the right mediums to be found, getting a job may not become such a daunting task.
According to a study conducted by Monster.com and reported by eMarketer, “more than 90% of companies use the Web for such ads. About one-quarter are also doing entry-level recruiting on social media sites.”
The study goes on to report that, “[when] asked about the most useful student recruitment tactics, companies put family and friends (83%) and large, all-purpose online job boards (82%) on top. Social sites were considered useful or very useful by 42% of responding companies.”
So what can you do to make sure employers are finding you? Below are some useful tactics to hopefully utilize to get that dream job of yours.
Online Resume
Besides your normal resume, think about creating a blog or web page to showcase your talents. This works especially well for anyone interested in the communications, marketing or related fields. If you have a graphic design degree, you can use the web page to really show what you can do.
When applying for jobs you can supplement your resume with a link to this online resume. Employers can then decide if they want to take the time to look at it or not. By having this website, you can also expose yourself to many people you may not normally have had the chance to meet. Social media can help you promote your blog/website and gain you that much more exposure.
With sites like WordPress.com and Blogspot.com you can set up a blog in minutes and it is completely free.
Like the study suggests, around 83% of employers recruit from family and friends. Participating in networking events can help you meet the right people. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. Remember at these events, people want to learn about you as a person, not just your resume. Be personable and friendly, and just be your great self.
Twitter and LinkedIn are also online networking dreams. With the click of a mouse you can be tweeting or messaging the exact people who are recruiting. If you decide to make an online resume, use these mediums to promote your site and get it to the eyes of the right people.
Be patient
Getting a job right now isn’t the easiest move for anyone. Being persistent and not giving up is one tactic that does work. Thinking of new creative ways to get noticed on top of having great skills should land you a job. You don’t have to have a marketing degree to get noticed, it just takes time, patience and little creativity.
Shannon Suetos is an expert writer on credit card processing based in San Diego, California. She writes extensively for an online resource that provides expert advice on purchasing and outsourcing decisions for small business owners and entrepreneurs such as credit card processing companies at Resource Nation.