ATTN: “20 Something” Los Angeles Entrepreneurs!!


los-angeles-business-journalATTENTION 20 something Los Angeles, CA entrepreneurs! The Los Angeles Business Journal is working on their annual “20 in their 20s” feature and they’re looking for you!

If you live in LA County, have started and are now running your own unique business* and will still be in your 20’s at the time of publication in April – YOU QUALIFY.

Each year the LA Business Journal likes to drum up a little attention for young business owners by running this feature. If this sounds like you, contact Charles Crumpley ( for more info.

If you’re a small business owner in any state, remember that media publications in your town run features like this all the time, so stay on the look out – it’s an easy way to get some free publicity for your business!

*Franchise or inheritance of family business is not acceptable for this feature.