Are you thinking about quitting your job but not sure if it’s the right thing to do? With all the focus on the presidential primaries the past few weeks, there’s been a lot of discussion about knowing when to quit. After yesterday’s Super Tuesday, many think it’s time for Mitt Romney and/or Mike Huckabee to say sayonara. And last week, John Edwards ended his campaign after being overshadowed by his competition, and Rudy Giuliani after his strategy completely backfired.
But that’s about as much political talk as you’re gonna get from me for now. Sure, I have a favorite candidate, but 1) as many of my YSN colleagues remind me, I’m Canadian so it’s irrelevant and 2) at my first job, I learned that you never talk about politics, sex and religion at work. What I will talk openly about, however, is knowing when it’s time for you to quit your job.
For those of us not on the campaign trail, here are just a few telltale signs that it’s time for you to throw in the towel. Feel free to add your own!
- Your non-work friends say that you never have anything positive to say about your workday (aside from lunch with your coworkers).
- It becomes “just a job.” You stop putting in voluntary overtime, coming in early or leaving late.
- You become anxious that you’re stuck or you know for certain that there is no room for advancement.
- You hate your boss as a person… and the other execs and employees aren’t that respectable either. Unless you’re holding out for a big promotion or putting in enough time so the job looks respectable on your resume, get out of there! If you don’t really like the people you work with morally and ethically, get out of there. Who you surround yourself with says a lot about who you are and you can tend to pick up similar habits or qualities – good and bad.
- Getting to work is hard work, including getting out of bed, looking presentable and arriving at an acceptable time.
- You stop trying to learn new things or acquire new skills at work. There’s usually always something more you can learn but often you have be proactive at seeking opportunities.
- You updated your resume, performed a few job searches and/or went on a couple interviews – six months ago (and six months prior to that) – yet you still work at the same place, same job.
Jovie Baclayon is the editorial director for and an expert in the experiences faced by emerging adults. To learn more about Jovie, check out her YSN portfolio and feel free to e-mail her! She blogs every Wednesday and Friday on Waste Time Wisely.