3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Writing Your Resume


Is your resume producing the response you so desperately need?

Implementing this strategy now can make all the difference.

What one strategy is most likely to attract more attention to your resume from hiring managers and recruiters?  Providing the potential employer with a picture of what you accomplished at your previous employers is one of the best ways to illustrate what you can deliver to their organization.  Employers are looking for results; and when contemplating hiring decisions, they’ll choose the candidate with the best experience and most applicable prior successes.  If they have a need—and you’ve demonstrated you can deliver—then you’re esentially showing them you are a perfect fit.

Allow me to explain.  When I review a resume, I’m thinking: What can this person do for my company?  Does he or she have the results to back up the experience?  Is it the right candidate for this particular position?

The best way to communicate this to a potential employer is through accomplishment- and contribution-based resumes.  Duties and responsibilities are subpar.  Accomplishments and contributions are much better.

Don’t sell yourself short either.  If you’re not in sales—and you don’t have hard numbers—that is okay; not every profession will.  When I sit down with a client to put together a resume, I basically interview them, just as if I were interviewing them for the job they’re trying to get.  I like to know about their entire history at their previous employer—not just what is on their current resume.  I can discover a lot more about a client that way—and better relate this information on his or her resume.  It is amazing to me, how many people don’t know what to say or how to say it on their resume.

When compiling a list of accomplishments to place on your resume, start with these three questions:

1. Name the three things you are most proud of in your career.

2. What do you feel are your biggest strengths?  Name three.

3. What makes you unique?  Why should this employer hire you over another qualified candidate?

Okay, now take the answers to those questions and find a great way to incorporate them into your resume.

Want to know if your current resume is hitting the target?  Send it in for a free resume analysis.  E-mail a copy of your resume to info@greatresumesfast.com for a free resume analysis.